Top 3 Horror Movie Faves from 2023

Happy New Year my fellow fiber and horror movie loving/curious friends! I feel like I’m long overdue for a film blog here. 😏

So, to kick off this new year I want to share my three favorite horror movies from 2023. These are the films that stick with me even to this day.

SKINAMARINK, directed by Kyle Edward Ball, released January 13, 2023

  1. Two children wake up to find their mom and dad are missing and all the doors and windows are gone in their house

  2. This film is an eerie deep dive into some uneasy, confusing, insecure feelings one had as a child - kind of like the feeling of waking up in the middle of the night and needing to walk down the dark hallway to use the bathroom…

  3. Slow-paced, alluringly-dull colored, super grainy, found-footage home video

    Savannah’s Scare Meter (out of 5 ghosts): 👻👻👻👻

TALK TO ME, directed by Danny Philippou and Michael Philippou, released July 28, 2023

  1. A Gen Z version of Bloody Mary, but here, teens get together and partake in a modern-day séance by holding a mummified hand and saying the phrases “Talk to Me,” and “I let you in.” Does it allow them to see ghosts, or is it all a game?

  2. A possession film I actually really liked - I was apprehensive to see this movie because of all the hype it had - it reminded me of all the hype “Malignant” had, and I was sorely disappointed with that film

  3. An ending that demands a sequel

    Savannah’s Scare Meter (out of 5 ghosts): 👻👻👻

THE OUTWATERS, directed by Robbie Banfitch, released February 9, 2023

  1. Friends go missing while on a camping trip in the desert - my worst nightmare - honestly probably the scariest movie I’ve ever seen!

  2. Found footage style, but unlike “Skinamarink,” this film is a visceral, bloody roller coaster, taking it’s viewers on a sensory journey unlike anything I’ve ever seen (worth watching with subtitles, as the written descriptions for what these friends hear are so disturbing it’s hard to decipher what the sounds actually are - the subtitles paint the picture

  3. The first half of it isn’t so scary, as it allows the viewers to get to know the characters and really steep in the the backstory of just why these friends are venturing out into the desert. Something happens halfway through, which is when everything changes. “The Outwaters” builds up the tension so well; it’s a big reason why this movie is my favorite from 2023

    Savannah’s Scare Meter (out of 5 ghosts): 👻👻👻👻👻👻