Meet the Maker

  • Savannah Rose

    Yarn Dyer + Knitter

    Like many modern day knitters & crocheters, my grandma tried to teach me the basics of knitting when I was very young, yet I didn’t really pick up on all the wonder and joy of yarn and slow fashion until I became an adult.

    My passion for film on the there hand, came when I was around the age of nine. Watching whimsical movies like “Edward Scissorhands,” and creepy home-movie style films like “The Blair Witch Project,” or suspenseful TV shows like R.L. Stine’s “Goosebumps,” I knew I wanted to make some films like that of my own. Soon after this realization, my parents took me to a pawn shop to buy my first video camera. Oh what fun began!
    For years I would love making backyard slasher flicks with my sister; coming up with an idea for a movie and making it in the same day, with what my sister and I could find around the house, was such a fun past-time and a really endearing part of my childhood.

    In 2020, I rekindled my interest in knitting, thanks to all the time spent at home, feeling like I wanted to stay busy, and sane! I wasn’t alone, though. I soon realized that I was among a whole new wave of young knitter, thanks to social media like Instagram, or should I say Knitstagram!
    I love meeting other makers and findng new friends; social media can be so good for that. I’m so grateful for the community of peers I’ve made online and in person, thanks to knitting.

    In June of 2021, I decided I wanted to take my renewed passion for knitting and my longtime love for the movies a step further. After many months of research, I invested in the initial tools needed to dye yarn and thus planted the seed for what is now Savannah Rose Handmade.
    Being true to my scary movie roots, I thought it would be a fun challenge to develop yarn colorways inspired by the tones of my favorite horror movies. Films like “Midsommar,” “Halloween,” and “Promising Young Woman” have served as inspiration for yarn colorways that I’ve created.

    The unexpectedly beauty I have found in the color palettes of my favorite thrillers really helps encapsulate the energy and ethos of what draws me in to these movie genres, and makes me want to celebrate them even more.

    Thanks for joining me on this creative journey, I can’t wait to see what you knit with these spooky threads!