April Showers Bring Momentous May Flowers

While I’m an autumn girl at heart, I do love second fall, which in my eyes is also known as spring! 🌱🌛 The breeze is still cool, the crocuses have already come and gone, the sun peeks out for a glint of light and a tease of warmth. 🌦🍄

It feels really nice - and kind of insane! - to be at a place with my small business where local yarn shops are interested in showcasing some of my yarn, ah! I know we all grow and learn at different speeds, but I’ll be the first to admit that I personally think I’m slow to realize that my business does in fact continue to grow. 🌱
It’s not so much of an imposter syndrome that I’m feeling, it’s more of an incredulousness. 😯
I say this because I am in fact still dyeing every batch with gentle care out of my tiny 220 square foot apartment, and somedays I’m just like, it’s so amazing that I’m able to do this, but how is this possible!?
I’m not sure when the time will come for me to be able to branch out and find a bigger, shared space to dye my yarn (and in turn, hopefully get the yarn out to you quicker!) but I feel the momentum for sure, and I thank you with all my spooky-lovin’ heart for believing in me and wanting to be a part of this journey with me.

All the feels!

Speaking of local yarn stores and growing as a business, last week I dropped off my first wholesale order to my favorite Portland, Oregon yarn shop, Weird Sisters! To know that my esoteric yarn will be in a shop that is near and dear to me is really quite a special feeling.

Now, most importantly, an update about all the Twin Peaks orders! We have now entered the one month mark since this preorder has ended and I can happily say that things are really starting to come together; I can see the end is in sight! Through sessions of tallying and recounting yarn, ordering extra supplies, dyeing the yarn in batch amounts that my body can handle, and days filled with wrapping orders and writing love notes to all the customers, I feel that this collection is a significant moment; a turning point for me, and for the Savannah Rose Handmade business. 🥰 Things are getting real, as they say!

As of right now, I have about another 8 more dyeing days ahead of me. I usually dye one day, wrap and pack the next, so this puts me on a trajectory of being done in less than two weeks. Many of these dye days will be happening this coming week, 4/29, so I’m thankfully right on track with where I was predicting my timeline to be from my last blog post. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

I’m already so amped to share what’s next! I’m sure that some of you might have an idea as to what I’m up to, just based on what collection I like to do this time of year…but I will say that even if your hunches are correct, I’m planning to put a spin on that! I’m hoping by my next blog post I’ll have more to say on this.

Until then! Happy spring all. 🕸🌼


Plant Based Yarn Pattern Inspo!


Twin Peaks, strange, wonderful, and in the works!