Twin Peaks, strange, wonderful, and in the works!

“My log has something to tell you…the Twin Peaks collection is fully in the works!”

Oh my goodness, I can’t believe the hype of my Twin Peaks Collection has already come and gone! It feels like a fever dream. 💭

I’ve been pacing myself over the past week, taking a deep breath from all the super concentrated Twin Peaks promoting I was doing, most prominently on my Instagram! Some of the activities that I focused extra time on for this collection were:

  • experimenting with new colorways and reintroducing myself to the ones I created for last year’s collection

  • making reels that contained clips from Twin Peaks showed alongside my yarn. I wanted people who hadn't seen the show to get a better idea of my inspiration - if you haven’t seen them, they’re all posted on my Instagram!

  • and creating all the other content to promote my new/revisited collection

    • I forgot to post about it on my blog here, ah! Hopefully you were able to hear about it through my emails/Instagram

Anyways, I’m so thrillllled to be once again at the point where I can dye all the yarn to fulfill these orders! 👻 Among all the aspects of running this yarn business - ordering stickers, creating labels, making the yarn product pages, writing out colorway descriptions, etc… - my favorite part is dyeing the yarn! (whew, that’s a good thing!)

One thing I’m trying to get better at is estimating my turnaround time. It’s difficult for me to guess how long the yarn is going to take me to dye and prepare when I’m not sure how many orders I’ll be getting, but, I’m getting better at guesstimating!
I originally said that this collection would probably take me around 3-5 weeks to finish, but since this Twin Peaks Collection has been my most popular to date ( yay! 🥳) I am expecting it to take me up to 6 weeks to finish (we’re lookin’ at early May)

I wish it wasn’t going to take this long, but just as we enjoy the “slow fashion-ness” of knitting and crocheting and other fiber art forms, hand-dyeing yarn is as well, another endearing, made with care and attention, old-timey craft of it’s own. It adds a whole other level of handmade-ness, and I love that. Thank you so much for your patience. I’m so glad you’re along on this cinematic yarn journey with me! 🎞🧶 I’ll be sharing updates like this one all along the way.

Here’s a little bit of what I’ve been knitting these days! I think it’s safe to say, I love the “Mini Mock Neck Tank” by Jessie Maed! The blue one that I’m wearing I knit with my Casper colorway from my ‘90s Halloween Collection, and the one I’m currently knitting, I’m using my “Sara” colorway from my last Suspiria DOUBLE FEATURE Collection. 🦋🦭

If you’re curious about my adorable knitting tote, it was a gift I got from my boyfriend Colin for my birthday! It’s made from washi paper (we love washi!) and it’s from a shop in Japan called Cohana Style.

So what's next for Savannah Rose Handmade after fulfilling all the Twin Peaks orders?

Well, the only hint I’m going to give at this time is that I’m fully aware that the weather is getting warmer and warmer (at least for us Northern Hemisphere crafters) and I’m taking that into account for what my next collection is going to involve…

If you have any ideas as to what I might be alluding to, I’d love to hear them in the comments! ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓


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Suspiria Wrap-up and Spooky Surprise Sale 👻